Case Studies
Case Studies
- Case of Sickle Cell Disease/ Thalassemia Minor
- Case of Acute Pancreatitis
- Case of Muscular Dystrophy
- Case of Myotonic Dystrophy in a 40 Year Male
- Case of Palmoplantar Psoriasis in a Man of 63 Year
- Case of Periungual Warts
- Case of Avascular Necrosis of Femur Head
- Case of Violent Anger
- Case of Foot Corn
- Case of Guttate Psoriasis
Female Age – 47
Date – 4th october 2014
Leucorrhea – profuse
Back pain during leucorrhoea
My main problem is leucorrhea
Weak and cannot move ,” ghayal hojate hain”
Im very much worried about my health
Head pain before menses
No strength
Diagnosed with Sickle cell disease/ thalassemia
Actually all problem started after my marriage
After my marriage I was underestimated whole life they demanded money from my family slowly sloly my family also got frustrated they also started taunting me that im coming to their home to just take money
(Weeping continuously)
My family Gradually lost everything
I lost my husband , it was a big tragedy in my life my
in-laws also trouble me a lot so I shifted back to my father house
now they also don’t treat me well , they think I m a burden for them
im cornered everybody treats as if im nothing in home
my in laws just Tortured me whole life,
Fear of water ‘
Fear something will happen
Dreams ?
Not remember
Thirst – Normal Persp – Normal
Wake up startled
I have fear of Fall when I look down
I feel like I fall into hole while walking this dream I see repeatedly
History of tuberculosis
My children doesn’t talk to me nicely they are always talk rudely with me as if m nothing to them I feel so bad that I feel I should do something to myself ,
Leucorrhoea brown
Perspiration yellow staining ,
Head pain menses before
Fear: falling, downstairs
Ailments from: scorn, being scorned
Anxiety: health, about
Weeping: tearful mood
Loathing: life of
Fear: happen, something will
Leucorrhea Brown
Perspiration Yellow
Remedy :
Lac can 30 (tds for 15 days )
Follow up : Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Hb 10.0
Patient :Overall well im happy my Hb got increased till now I never got hb above 6
My leucorrhea stopped
Sac lac was given for 1 month
Followup : December 10, 2014
Condition improved and
Mentally & physically feeling better
Followup : February 24 ,2015
Hb 10
No more fear of falling . loathing
Cheerful and happy
Followup : April 15 ,2015
Hb 10 . mentally not feeling well had a fight in home , sleep not well , feeling offended easily at trifles .Guilt feeling
Prescribed LAC CAN 200 one dose
Followup: June 10 ,2015
Hb 11 sleep is improved .
No more guilt feeling
Mentally & Physically no more problems
Sac Lac was given for 15 days
Followup : July 24th ,2015
Hb 11 .
Patient :Now my hemoglobin is better & constant
Doctor I don’t have any more problems my anxiety was one of the main problem besides headache which is much better after you gave me medicine last.
Female Aged 45 years old
Past history :
Uterus Removed on July 2012
Chronic Headache
Complaints since December 2015
Pain in upper abdomen
Back Pain
Vomiting twice
Pain in right leg
Not like to eat or drink anything
No Sleep
Tongue has no taste
No Sleep
Endoscopy showed Duodenitis
Blood Sugar Normal
Renal Function Test Normal
USG showed Fatty Infiltration of Liver
Colonoscopy Normal
P: Allopathic Medicines were taken they gave slight relief then gain it started
Doctor you can see my all reports are normal
D: Tell me about your pain ?
P- pain is very severe upper abdomen , both side pain
Vomiting tendency always . doctor pain is very unbearable. Its burning too
D: Since when you are having this ?
P – Doctor since December 2015 im getting this pain I have visited many doctors , visited priests , pandits everyone who can relive me from this pain
But still no hope the pain subsides and then it comes back
Please help me I got your reference from my uncle you are the only hope please tell me the actual problem why am I suffering from this ?
D: you have issues with your stomach liver & pancreas that’s why you are having this severe pain .
P : Doctor there is strong burning in my stomach with heaviness in chest and the pain radiates
D: Anything else you have besides this ?
P: I have severe migraine since 7-8 years pain is always one sided. Its so uncontrolled that I had to take zupar ( medicine for head pain ) for relieving the pain
Ok this is not important doctor but my abdomen pain is very painful please give me medicine for that .
D: I said you to do lipase test
P- yes I did its very high according to reports but still I don’t understand why dint the gastroenterology did this test that too they were specialists for this .
D: its okay what ever happened its past now tell me what do you do for relieving the pain ?
P-: Nothing I take pain killers but still after 2-3 hours pain come back .
D: okay tell me about the burning of stomach
P: chest is burning my stomach is burning sometimes I throw up the water which I drink
D: okay
P: yes doctor I just want to get rid of this pain any thing you will tell I will do
D: stop all oily food intake
P: yes doctor anything else ?
D: Eat very simple food .
P: Doctor one thing I want to tell you my pain radiates to right side of the back always whenever I get pain . My appetite is good but due to pain I avoid the food
My general living has been affected badly due to this pain.
D : Do you have any fear ?
P: I have fear of high places I cannot look downward from high places
D: What do you prefer to eat ?
P: Mostly sweets I take
D: Do you feel vomiting during the headache ?
P: No I don’t sometimes very rare
D: mostly which side all your pain affected ?
P: Right side my pain every severe in right side along with burning in chest
D: ok im giving you the medicine after 10 days get the lipase test done then report me .
Prescription : 2nd July 2016
Phosphorus 30
BD for 10 days
Lipase Report on 2nd July 2016
Follow up:
10th July 2016
Lipase Report 10th July 2016
D: Tell me how are you feeling now ?
P: Pain is much better feeling relieved 70% Back pain was shooted up one night after ½ hour it was a relief and good sleep after that till 7 am after that there was heaviness in head then I was relived after few hours after sleep
Motion was normal & no more tendency to vomit
D: okay continue the medicine report me after 15 days
Followup :
21st July 2016
D: Now tell me about your pain
P: yes doctors I m much much relived now as you can see also my reports have improved a lot I did twice and the results are very much improving im better from the condition I was suffering .Thank you so much . im really happy to see my reports.
D: how is your headache you had ?
P: doctor that’s what im going to tell you my headache has been improved much now I don’t get so much pain as I use to get earlier .
D: okay im giving to another medicine please report me after 1 month
Prescription 21st july :
Sac Lac 30
One dose daily for 3 months
Age – 8 years old Male
Chief complaints-
Muscular dystrophy since 6 years
Cpk-2873 Dt 21 -12 2016
Mother history during pregnancy :
No complaints
Milestone :
Birth weight – 3 kg
Standing – 1 and half years of age
Speaking – 8-9 month
Teething – 1and half year of age
Sitting- at the age of 7 month
D- Tell me what is the problem with child ?
Father – he is unable to walk properly sir
You can see there is no strength in his legs
D- Since when he had ?
Father – I think almost 6-7 years he could not even walk whenever he tried he falls on ground
D- Mother had any problem during preganancy ?
Father – No she dint had any problem
D- Anything else?
Father – Sir he is afraid of dark too much
D- it is very normal for all children
Father – no sir he cannot even sleep unless light is on .
D- what else?
Father- nothing more his leg are thin you can see and I think he has indigestion problem
His diet is good still his weight never improved
D- what more you can tell about him ?
Father- nothing more sir but sir he cried a lot tells that his legs are paining
Always he says legs are paining my wife apply oil and rub his legs he feels better
Observation :
Trembling while standing. ( observation )
Trembling while rising from sitting.
Unable to walk properly.
Easily falling down.
Cant bear heavy weight.
Muscular pain
Joint pain.
Loss of strength.
Late learning to walk
D- what he likes to eat ?
Father – anything he can eat
Father – we have come with freat hope so far sir please do something
Will my son will ever walk sir ?
Please guide us what can be done when we discussed with you on phone you told us to do the blood test CPK we did its very high sir 2783 in december we are afraid sir what is this CPK
We came now to you as we were not getting time to come toy your place as it its so far from our place
D- im trying my best to help you child yes I doubted that CPK must be high that’s why I told you to come and visit me but you are coming after 2 months now
Father – sir I know we came late but please tell me will my son will be okay ?
D- im giving you two months medicine after that repeat the CPK then visit me
Prescription : 27/02/2017
Calcarea phos-30
SL for Two months
Reason :
Calcarea Phosphorica ( LIPPE KEY NOTES RED LINE )
Children; emaciated, unable to stand; slow in learning to walk
Calcarea phosphorica ( Smith’s Prescriber )
Many children need this remedy during the growing period. If the head bones are slow in forming, or do not keep pace with the growth of the child; where the child is losing flesh, slow learning
Follow Up : 5/4/2017
Mother ( on Phone) – sir we have did the test all of sudden CPK came to 175
We are in shock sir my child is now cycling walking doing all activities sir what you did sir
We cant believe sir thank you sir we will come to visit you soon im sending you latest CPK report.
NOTE : Patient is still under observation & treatment.This condition cannot be cured by Homoeopathy but we can help and manage.
Case of Myotonic Dystrophy in a 40 Year Male
Patient is still under treatment and his condition has been is improving under Homoeopathic Treatment Myotonic Dystrophy cannot be cured but Constitutional Homoeopathic treatment can only help the patient.
Case Report :
25 September 2018
Male. 40 years
Myotonic Dystrophy- Type 1 Diagnosed 16 years ago
investigation – 27/10/16- left small exophytic cyst kidney Creatine kinase – 388 (28.6.2018)
Chief c/o
16 years ago unable to open up the palm/fingers while closed contracted muscles, unable to relax
Problems in heavy lifting/walking
Past history
malaria-5 months back
Family History
Mother–Hypertension (heart issue may be due to dystrophy)
Grand father(MATERNAL ) – Hypertension father-heart bypass surgery Grand mother(MATERNAL ) -Tuberculosis
Sister-Myotonic dystrophy elder brother-died …(had an accident 5-6 months before death)
Physical generals
app-good thirst- cold water desire tongue-coated stool-not clear, small quantity, 2 times/day since 1.6 years back urine-n sweat-n bathing-like warm water in winter sleepy position-left and right desire-sweets++,salt+ aversion-eggplant
Physical appearance–emaciated body, sunken face, weak, baldness, changes in voice, eyeball bulging out, infertility
joint family financial-good study-ba 2nd yr weak in study in ba 1st yr, vertigo during reading more problem started during this period
After marriage- all good understanding/supportive wife they adopted a child, due to his problem now
separate family financial-good occupation-business thinking about the development of business occupation desire only less friendly now a days due to his business management less talkative, talks to the point shares his feelings only to his wife dreams of ghost, travelling with friends fear/anxiety of being alone.what will happen if there is anything wrong anger easily if there is any mistakes, sudden anger, scolding over them/leave that palace memory-good sad if someone telling anything wrong about his Family members company desire/family
Towards chilly
Remedy – Kali phos 30
4 weeks weekly once
& sac lac for 4 weeks
It has been used very extensively and has been landed universally. It is generally adaptable to cases, showing a great want of nerve power. All the nerve cells are in a state of depletion. This total bankruptcy of vitality belies a true state of adynamia.
The acid monopotassium phosphate, KH2PO is the preparation mennt. In kali. phos. both constituents unite in their actions to form the picture of muscular and nervous exhaustion as it arises partly from overwork and partly from psychic causes.
Dr Schuessler’s great remedy for conditions arising from want of nerve power. The patient is NERVOUS; SENSITIVE, WEAK, AND EASILY FAGGED; by slight causes, like pain, worry, mental fatigue etc. Neurasthenia. Paralysis; infantile;Emaciation; wasting diseases
Creatine kinase-299(24.9.2018)
Hb-13.8 rbc – 4.43 heamocrit-41.4 neutrophils-47 lymphocytes-44 monocytes-03 eosinophil-06 platelet count – 2.12
1.he can lift things he is able open the shutter of his shop , hold objects do not fall from his hand , griping is improved.
1. weight is increased
3. walking slowly
4. can’t sit on ground. if he sits he can’t get up
can’t properly open and close his handapp-good(increased after taking medicine ) thirst- less stool- not clear .. soft stool .. urine – clear
1. Can open and close his hand 2. Now can sit and stand up without support STOOL- CLEAR URINE – CLEAR
Better feeling weakness has reduced Can hold objects , APP- GOOD
Remedy – REPEAT
NOTE – Patient is still under treatment and he is under observation till now he has been responding well and improving under Homoeopathic treatment.
20th October 2018 First visit
Male 63 year old
psoriasis since 30 years
Chief c/o
location – palms ,feet, itching ,cracks , no discharge cold air itching agg
diabetes since 10 years sleeplessness
Past History:
diarrhoea and vomiting every year
Family History:
Father -Diabetes Mellitus Brother -Diabetes Mellitus
Physical Generals:
diet -mix app – normal cannot tolerate hunger fasting agg perspiration comes and doesnt feel good habit – alcohol, bhang ,pan sleep – sides on chest – normal perspiration – profuse earlier now scanty skin – psoriasis complaints bladder – prostate operation done on 1994
family oriented one son is settled another is not settled anxiety about family sleepless anxiety from likes to joyful contradiction lies doesn’t like
Repertory sheet
20 October 2018
Remedy – Kali Ars
4 pills twice a day sac lac 4 weeks
Reason for Kali Arsenicum : (SUBSTANCE OF HOMEOPATHY )
Kali-ars is one of the most anxious patients in the Materia medica; almost crazy with anxiety. He feels weak and needs support (Kali) and yet cannot trust anyone (Ars). He is highly organised, extremely fastidious and very careful and cautious.Develops chronic inveterate skin complaints like psoriasis.Very chilly; cannot have his legs and feet uncovered
Psoriasis: scaly itchings causing him to scratch till an ichorous fluid discharges, forming a hard cake.Discoloration of skin after psoriasis and lepra. Psoriasis in numerous patches, with great itching, the patches becoming more active, scale off, and are replaced by smaller, they leave behind them a red skin.
FOLLOW UP: 24.11.2018
Psoriasis on palms and soles-decreased.. itching decreased new patches on both hands.. no itching sleep disturbed.. awake at early morning(3 am) appetite-good stool not clear gas formation(using allopathic medicine for it)
FOLLOWUP: 24.11.18
Fasting sugar-112.4
FOLLOW UP :9.1.19
Fasting sugar 105 psoriasis- completely improved now
FOLLOW UP :9.1.19
FOLLOWUP : 23-2-19
Improved from Before
FUP 13 JULY 2019
Periungual Warts in a Man of 19 –
11 March 2019
Male 19 yr
Periungual warts
Chief c/o
Warts Sinces 2 years first started in left hand below index finger then spreading to thumb dorsal part of hand upper lip and left foot
warts spreading nature surface dry and rough without pain lt>rt side
habit of nail biting nail become thick in lt side hand
Physical Generals
Desire-chicken++,paneer, mushroom, salty ,pickles
Mouth-thirst less whitish tongue, dry ,
Extracted caries teeth
Stool-once, clear
Urine-frequent urination
Sweat- profuse forehead from
Sleep-irregular sleeping habit lying on abdomen
Covering desire
Dream- traveling fighting ,meeting with people
Dislike to be alone -got depressed like someone to be with him he like to go with someone anywhere
he don’t like to do work under anyone bossy child do not to be dominated subject interest-computer ,difficulty physics hate-math superior behavior like knows all things reserved talkative good adaptability active distract easily hobbies dancing badminton swimming hoarseness of voice due to over using anger short temper can shoot anyone anger on contradiction close to her grad mother after her death her became shocked for 2-3 month then suddenly one day cry continuously for one day fearless daring fear to his father +++due to he beat him a lot without any cause can’t revolt him on face to face decisive ,precocity+++, dominating, happy when eating traveling and acting
summer agg
ac temp 19-20 in winter also
Hot patient
Totality :
Remedy – Lac can 30 one dose -sac lac for 4 weeks
Followup :12/5/2019
Better improvement after taken medicine ..
1.wart in fingers & palm :>90 percent reduced
-no itching /pain
2.molluscum in lips : reduce
Follow up:20 August 2019
Better now
No more relapse of warts
Case of Avascular Necrosis of Femur Head –
Age 33 , Male
Avascular necrosis left femur
Swelling left side
D- what is the problem ?
P- I have pain while walking
D- what else ?
P- since 6 months I m having pain I cannot walk due to this
D- anything else ?
P- no
D- since when your hair is falling ?
P- when I took allopathic drugs
D- what else ?
P- nothing sir is it dangerous
D- why ?
P- I wont die because of this sir please tell me
This pain has make me very weak there is swelling also please check sir
D- Tell any dreams you see?
P- I see my death dreams that is what make me more fear
D- any other dreams ?
P- I see dreams of people who are dead
D- do you know them ?
P- yes few I know few are unknown
D- okay
D- anything else?
P- nothing
D- show me your nails
P- sir it break always its very delicate is it a problem? actually its since my childhood sir
D- okay what else?
P- nothing sir that’s much I told you all sir
D- ok i want to tell you that this problem takes a lot of time in improvement you need to continue the medicine for may be up to 1 year or 6 months minimum
P – sir im so much in pain I can continue for 2 years no problem but I don’t want to do operation I don’t have that much money also I have heard its very costly also .
D- ok need not worry start the medicine will see later what can we do .
Prescription : 16 February 2015
Flouric Acid 30
For 6 months
Follow up :
18 July 2015
D- how is the pain ?
P- its much better from earlier I know it will take time I have full faith in you that you will make me alright
d- are you still seeing dream s?
P- no I don’t see any dreams now
D- ok continue the medicine
Prescription :
Flouric acid 30
Sac lac
For 3 months
Follow up :
29 November 2015
D- How are you ?
P- Im fine sir earlier I use to limp now limping has been reduced I can walk straight without limping
D- Any other problems ?
P- I had some cold that went now its fine
D- Any more pain ?
P- No but sir sometimes I get the pain when I lift heavy things
D- No you should not lift any heavy things
P- medicine is all finished now what has to be done
D- I will give the medicine for longer time because this changes will take more time .
P- okay sir
Prescription :
Flouric Acid 30
Sac Lac for 6 months
Follow up :
13 April 2016
D- How are you doing now ?
P- im good
D- hows the pain now ?
P- better still slightly but much better from earlier
D- okay continue the medicine for next 6 months then I need xray of the hip when you come time next okay.
P- ok sir I will bring the xray that same part has to be done
D- yes
Prescription :
Flouric Acid 30
Sac Lac for 6 months
Follow up:
3rd November 2016
P- sorry sir I came late due to some problem I dint came on time
D- its okay
D- show me the xray
P- sir its better from earlier xray person told me as I did last xray at his place .
D- yes much better as we can compare from earlier xray
P- yes sir and even pain is much better im feeling good now sir
It took around 1 year but im ok now thank you sir
D- okay no problem I told you it will take time
Continue the medicine for more 3 months then come & visit me
Prescription :
Flouric Acid
Sac lac for 4 months
Followup :
22nd March 2017
D- how are you feeling ?
P- im fine sir
D- okay now good no need to take any medicine maintain good diet
P- ok sir
Prescription :
Case of Behaviour Disorder
(Violent Anger )
AGE – 35
D – how life ?
P – good
D- eating habits ?
p-All good I drink tea lot if I overeat I avoid food at night
D- sleep ?
P – night 10: 30 to 6 : 00 am
D – perspiration ?
P – not much
D- What your qualification ?
P- B com ,my calculation is very much fine
D- Hobbies ?
P – movies , restaurant , roaming
D- any issue ?
P – no just 1.5 years of marriage
( front baldness ) observation
D- all good ?
P – yes actually sir when someone taunt or say it keep stays in mind
Whenever there is fight I don’t know what I say in anger
My weight is 77kg
D- Taunt means ?
P – Don’t do like this like don’t sit like dis
I avoid but when there is excess I start like infront of many people say I get
D- what happens
P – I get angry I feel people neglecting me
my bp get rised ,jis speed se gussa ata hain an usi speed se kum bhi hojata hain
D- what else ?
P – I cannot sit at one place you can make me run how much you want but I cannot sit at one place
I travel 70 km up down to axis bank
D- eating likes ?
P- sweets I like , colddrinks , like
Don’t like at all bittergourd , bitters things I don’t like
D- life happy moment ?
P – friends darjeeling tour and wife honeymoon
D- Tell about anger ?
p- 4 people sitting once u told me don’t eat this then again you repeat it I get annoyed
im not a child that you will teach me , face to face ignore
D- how much you like cold ?
P- I like cold I still bath in cold water now in winter
D- do you feel hatred ?
P – now im feeling person I ignore I respect them too
D- any sad moments ?
P- yes a lot lot of targets,guilt feeling I said something jokingly in my wife home
I felt she doesn’t wanna come back to home , I said it directly she ignores me , she neglects me
She has blocked me whatsapp , call text
When my bp get high I don’t think what I say
D- Did you had piles in past ?
P – yes 5 year back I had now I fine doctor told me to avoid spicy food
D- what else?
P – sir jo hogaya so hogaya galti kisse nahi hoti hain
Whenever I went to sausral I always say don’t treat me at jamai
I don’t like someone treating me like special
I get hungry I will ask food , I told them don’t treat me like special
I feel suffocation
D- Tell about it ?
P- I don’t like crowd I get sweat in crowd , I sweat a lot in crowd
like ganesh visharjan I don’t like people standing for very long
D- u have warts ?
P- yes in neck
D- you like spicy ?
P – I like but now I don’t eat
My main problem is anger when people neglect me I get anger
My wife wants me to give time at night I cannot as I have to work next day
Regularly I cannot