

An orgasm (from Greek orgasmós, from orgán – “to swell”, “be lustful”), also known as a sexual climax, is a pleasurable physical, psychological or emotional response to prolonged sexual stimulation It is often accompanied by a notable physiological reaction, such as ejaculation, blushing or spasm and may be followed by aftershocks

Male orgasm
In a human male orgasm, there are rapid, rhythmic contractions of the prostate, urethra and the muscles at the base of the penis, which (in the adult) typically forces stored semen to be expelled through the penis’ urethral opening, in a process known as peristalsis. This is referred to as ejaculation. The process usually takes from 3 to 10 seconds. The process is usually, but not always, extremely pleasurable. Orgasm is generally induced by direct stimulation of the penis. Some men experience heightened orgasm by direct stimulation of the prostate through the perineum.
Following ejaculation, a refractory period usually occurs during which a man cannot have another orgasm. This period can be anywhere from less than a minute to over half a day, depending on age and other individual factors. A few cases have been reported of men who appear to have no refractory period at all. Scientists theorize that a pituitary gland difference may cause this unique ability.

Female orgasm
In a human female orgasm, orgasm is preceded by moistening of the vaginal walls, and an enlargement of the clitoris due to increased blood flow trapped in the clitoris’s spongy tissue. Some women exhibit a sex flush; a reddening of the skin over much of the body due to increased blood flow to the skin. As a woman comes closer to having orgasm, the clitoris moves inward under the clitoral hood, and the labia minora (minor lips) becomes darker. As orgasm becomes imminent, the vagina decreases in size by about 30% and also becomes congested from engorged soft tissue. The uterus then experiences muscular contractions. A woman experiences full orgasm when her uterus, vagina and pelvic muscles undergo a series of rhythmic contractions. The majority of women consider these contractions to be very pleasurable.
After the orgasm is over, the clitoris re-emerges from under the clitoral hood, and returns to its normal size in less than 10 minutes. Unlike men, women either do not have a refractory period or have a very short one and thus can experience a second orgasm soon after the first; some women can even follow this with additional consecutive orgasms, up to eight have been reported amongst some people; this is known as having multiple orgasms. After the initial orgasm, subsequent climaxes may be stronger or more pleasurable as the stimulation accumulates. Research shows that about 13% of women experience multiple orgasms; a larger number may be able to experience this with the proper stimulation (such as a vibrator) and frame of mind. However, some women’s clitorises are very sensitive after orgasm, making additional stimulation initially painful. It is possible to engage in deep, rapid breaths while continuing stimulation and making a conscious intention to release the pain and tension. Doing this can allow for the intense stimulation to be interpreted not as painful but as intensely pleasurable.

Stannum- Easily produced i.e. scratching of arms produces intolerable sensation of pleasure in genital organs.
Berberis Vul – In delayed pleasurable sensation . Also when the pleasurable sensation is absent.
Bromium- Pleasurable sensation wanting
Osmium- Absence for usual thrill during ejaculation.

Other numbers of homoeopathic drugs are there ie. Fully depend upon mental symptom of patient, and detail counseling is required through regular chat/email/direct etc. for cure of this disease.
Article on painful sexual intercourse (Coition) –By Dr. Deoshlok Sharma

Dyspareunia is painful sexual intercourse, due to medical or psychological causes. The term is used almost exclusively in women, although the problem may occur in men. The causes are often reversible, even when long-standing, but self-perpetuating pain is a factor after the original cause has been removed.
Dyspareunia is considered to be primarily a physical, rather than an emotional, problem until proven otherwise. In most instances of dyspareunia, there is an original physical cause. Extreme forms, in which the woman’s pelvic floor musculature contracts involuntarily, is termed vaginismus

When pain occurs, the woman may be distracted from feeling pleasure and excitement. Both vaginal lubrication and vaginal dilation decrease. When the vagina is dry and undilated, penile thrusting is painful. Even after the original source of pain (a healing episiotomy, for example) has disappeared, a woman may feel pain simply because she expects pain. In brief, dyspareunia can be classified by the time elapsed since the woman first felt it:
During the first 2 weeks or so, dyspareunia caused by penile insertion or movement of the penis in the vagina or by deep penetration is often due to disease or injury deep within the pelvis.
After the first 2 weeks or so, the original cause of dyspareunia may still exist with the woman still experiencing the resultant pain. Or it may have disappeared, but the woman has anticipatory pain associated with a dry, tight vagina

Numerous medical causes of dyspareunia exist, ranging from infections (candidiasis, trichomoniasis, urinary tract infections), tumors, xerosis (dryness, especially after the menopause) and LSEA. Dyspareunia may result from female genital mutilation, when the introitus has become too small for normal penetration (often worsened by scarring).

Homoeopathic treatment is on totality of symptoms lot of medicine is there for this but mental detail and counseling is required for permanent cure.

Ferrum Met- Coition painful with bleeding there after soreness and cutting pain in vagina.

Kreosote – Pain during and after coition

Argentum nit- Pain during coition.

Natrum Mur- Pain during sexual intercourse with dryness of the vagina, a feeling as though stick pressed into the walls of the vagina.

Lyssin- Pin with dislike for coition since child birth.

Sepia- Terrible pai during coition with leucorrhoea.

Hydrastis- Pain with almost constant desire for sex, especially when she has discharge like the white of an egg.

Merc Cor. – Aching  pain on pressing or touching of uterus.

Berberis Vulg. – Discharge painful or too late.