Know About Snoring
Loud and frequent snoring, on your part or on your partner’s, may seem inevitable during your overnight sleep time. But this nighttime annoyance may indicate a more serious health condition and can disrupt your household and strain your relationships.
About one-third of older adults snore. Snoring occurs when air flows past relaxed tissues in your throat, causing the tissues to vibrate as you breathe, creating hoarse or harsh sounds.
To restore peace and quiet as well as domestic harmony, simple changes, such as losing weight or sleeping on your side, can help. In addition, laser surgery may reduce disruptive snoring. However, laser surgery isn’t suitable for all people who snore, such as people with sleep apnea, a potentially serious disorder in which breathing stops and starts during sleep
As you doze off and progress from a lighter sleep to a deep sleep, the muscles in the roof of your mouth (soft palate), tongue and throat relax. If the tissues in your throat relax enough, they vibrate and may partially obstruct your airway.
The more narrowed your airway, the more forceful the airflow becomes. Tissue vibration increases, and your snoring grows louder.
Having a low, thick soft palate or enlarged tonsils or tissues in the back of your throat (adenoids) can narrow your airway. Likewise, if the triangular piece of tissue hanging from the soft palate (uvula) is elongated, airflow can be obstructed and vibration increased. Being overweight contributes to narrowing of your throat tissues.
Snoring also can be brought on by consuming too much alcohol before bedtime. Alcohol acts like a sedative, relaxing throat muscles. Chronic nasal congestion or a crooked partition between your nostrils (deviated nasal septum) may be to blame. Snoring may be an occasional problem, or it may be habitual.
Snoring may also be associated with sleep apnea. In this serious condition, excessive sagging of throat tissues causes your airway to collapse, preventing you from breathing. Sleep apnea generally breaks up loud snoring with 10 seconds or more of silence. Eventually, the lack of oxygen and an increase in carbon dioxide signal you to wake up, forcing your airway open with a loud snort
In homoeopathic this case is treated by on totality of symptom by going detail success rate is 1-2% of the case some times it fails then it helps to patient in other way i.e. prevent dreaded disease like heart disease, respiration and lungs disease so advise to take our homoeopathic medicine for long period, we are using drugs are Opium, Stramonium, Ignatia, china, Laurocerasus , Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Sabadilla ……like more than 50 drugs.