Hyper kinetic Behavior, A very active child You cannot change the behavior of hyperactive child by just pointing out the activity you want to get rid of it . But by this you may increase it further . Behavioural characteristic of a person depends upon each individual cell present in our body. But Homoeopathic medicine are the safest...
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Your Baby and Homoeopathy
Advice : Do not eat yeast containing foods such as bread. Use unsweetened yogurt or acidophilus. Try to eat less quantity of sugar Problem with Prescribed Medicine Acid Reflux Problem(vomiting milk) – Phosphorus 30 Abdominal Pain – Chamomilla 30 Abscess/Boils– Belladonna 30 Acidity– Robnia 30 Adenoids – Calc Iod 30 Anaemia -Nat Mur 30...
Liver Cancer and its Treatment
The exact cause of hepatic carcinoma is not known but it has been seen in the cases of Alcoholic cirrhosis, Macronodular cirrhosis, Haemochromatosis, B heptatitis, C hepatitis , Alpha I antiprotease deficiency, Tyrosinaemia and Aflatoxin exposure for a long time. Types Benign Adenoma, Haemangioma etc. Malignant Primary (Rare) a) Carcinoma Hepatoma- common Cholangioma- rare b)Sarcoma...
Leukoplakia is a condition in which thickened, white patches form on your gums, on the inside of your cheeks and sometimes on your tongue. These patches can’t easily be scraped off. The cause of leukoplakia is unknown, but it’s considered to result from chronic irritation. Tobacco, either smoked or chewed, is the main culprit, but...
New Hope for Cancer Patient
Homeopathy is the introduction of an small amounts of medicine into the body, a medicine chosen to be similar in nature to the problem the patient is having. Two new anti-cancer homeopathic medicines are Nucleic acids 2LC1 and 2LCL1. There a many published studies showing an good improvement rate worldwide using Homeopathy Nucleic Acids (2LC1 and...