Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder characterized by tics — involuntary, rapid, sudden movements or vocalizations that occur repeatedly in the same way. The symptoms include:
1. Both multiple motor and one or more vocal tics present at some time during the illness although not necessarily simultaneously;
2. The occurrence of tics many times a day (usually in
bouts) nearly every day or intermittently throughout a
span of more than one year; and
3. Periodic changes in the number, frequency, type and
location of the tics, and waxing and waning of their severity. Symptoms can sometimes disappear for
weeks or months at a time.
4. Onset before the age of 18.
The term, “involuntary,” used to describe TS tics is sometimes confusing since it is known that most people with TS do have some control over their symptoms. What is not recognized is that the control, which can be exercised anywhere from seconds to hours at a time, may merely
postpone more severe outbursts of symptoms. Tics are experienced as irresistible and (as with the urge to sneeze) eventually must be expressed. People with TS often seek a secluded spot to release their symptoms after delaying them in school or at work. Typically, tics increase as a result of
tension or stress, and decrease with relaxation or when focusing on an absorbing task.
A. The cause has not been established, although current research presents considerable evidence that the disorder stems from the abnormal activity of at least one brain chemical (neurotransmitter) called dopamine. There may be abnormal activity of the receptor for this chemical as well. Undoubtedly, other neurotransmitters, e.g. serotonin, may involved as well.
What are the first symptoms?
A. The most common first symptom is a facial tic such as rapidly blinking eyes or twitches of the mouth. Involuntary sounds such as throat clearing and sniffing, or tics of the limbs may be initial signs. For a minority, the disorder begins abruptly with multiple symptoms of movements and sounds.
Is it important to treat Tourette Syndrome early?
A. Yes, especially in those instances when the symptoms are viewed by some people as bizarre, disruptive and frightening. It is also important to consider therapy when the child is concerned over her/his acceptance to peers. Sometimes TS symptoms provoke ridicule and rejection by peers, neighbors, teachers and even casual observers. Parents may be overwhelmed by the strangeness of their child’s behavior. The child may be threatened, excluded from activities and prevented from enjoying normal interpersonal relationships. These difficulties may become greater during adolescence — an especially trying period for young people and even more so for a person coping with a neurological problem. To avoid psychological harm, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial. Moreover, in more serious cases, it is possible to control many of the symptoms with medication.
Compulsions and Ritualistic Behaviors which occur when a person feels that something must be done over and over and/or in a certain way. Examples include touching an object with one hand after touching it with the other hand to “even things up” or repeatedly checking to see that the flame on the stove is turned off. Children sometimes beg their parents to repeat a sentence many times until it “sounds right.” Repetitive copying and erasing of work in school can be quite disabling.
Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity
(ADD or ADHD) occurs in many people with TS. Children may show signs of hyperactivity before TS symptoms appear. Indications of ADHD may include: difficulty with concentration; failing to finish what is started; not listening; being easily distracted; often acting before thinking; shifting constantly from one activity to another; needing a great deal of supervision; and general fidgeting. Adults too may exhibit signs of ADHD such as overly impulsive behavior and concentration difficulties and the need to move constantly. ADD without hyperactivity includes all of the above symptoms except for the high level of activity. As children with ADHD mature, the need to move is more likely to be expressed by restless, fidgety behavior. Difficulties with concentration and poor impulse control may persist.
Learning Disabilities may include reading and writing difficulties, problems with mathematics, and perceptual problems.
Difficulties with impulse control which may result, in rare instances, in overly aggressive behaviors or socially inappropriate acts. Also, defiant and angry behaviors can occur.
Sleep Disorders are fairly common among people with TS. These include difficulty getting to sleep, frequent awakenings or walking or talking in one’s sleep.
A. While school children with TS as a group have the same IQ range as the population at large, many have special educational needs. Data show that many may have some kind of learning problem. That condition, combined with attention deficits and the difficulty coping with frequent tics, often call for special educational assistance. The use of tape recorders, typewriters, or computers for reading and writing problems, un-timed exams (in a private room if vocal tics are a problem), and permission to leave the classroom when tics become overwhelming are often helpful. Some children need extra help such as access to tutoring in a resource room.
When difficulties in school cannot be resolved, an educational evaluation may be indicated. A resulting identification as “other health impaired” under federal law will entitle the student to an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which addresses specific educational problems in school. Such an approach can significantly reduce the learning difficulties that prevent the young person from performing at his/her potential. The child who cannot be adequately educated in a public school with special services geared to his/her individual needs may be best served by enrollment in a special school or home schooled.
Is there Hereditary
A. Genetic studies indicate that TS is inherited as a dominant gene (or genes) causing different symptoms in different family members. A person with TS has about a 50% chance of passing the gene to one of his/her children with each separate pregnancy. However, that genetic predisposition may express itself as TS, as a milder tic disorder or as obsessive compulsive symptoms with no tics at all. It is known that a higher than normal incidence of milder tic disorders and obsessive compulsive behaviors occur in the families of TS patients.
The sex of the offspring also influences the expression of the gene. The chance that the gene-carrying child of a person with TS will have symptoms is at least three to four times higher for a son than for a daughter. Yet only about 10% of the children who inherit the gene will have symptoms severe enough to ever require medical attention. In some cases TS may not be inherited, and cases such as these are identified as sporadic TS. The cause in these instances is unknown.
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